Hugh Devlin


Hugh served as an officer in the Royal Marines over a period of some 20 years where he specialized in intelligence, military diplomacy, and international arms control. As a Royal Marines Commando he served on operational tours in various countries and participated in counter terror and counter narcotics operations in Belize and Northern Ireland. On leaving the Marines, Hugh worked as a security and risk consultant specializing in resilience planning, disaster recovery and operational logistics.
Hugh is a PRINCE2 practitioner and experienced project manager. In 2005 Hugh commenced work in land and community relations and operations for mineral exploration companies and went on to become one of the co-founders and an original member of the executive board of Royal Road.

Hugh has wide experience in working with local communities and indigenous groups and establishing innovative and sustainable community development programs in Armenia, Kosovo, Georgia, Turkey and Ethiopia, which have focused on the training and development of workplace skills for local employees and providing opportunities for disadvantaged minority groups.